booker-t:Then a friend of mine who is atheist showed me a scripture in the bible that caught me totally off guard. It is in the book of Jeremiah. I don't know exactly the chapter and verse but it is when Jehovah says if he predicts destruction of a city or people and the people repent then he will relent from the destruction he promised. My friend asked me about Jonah and the people of Niveah and how god changed his mind because they repented. But Jonah told them "40" days Niveah will be destroyed. So what are we to believe if people repent then Jehovah will pospone Armaggeddon? I am not trying to sound "blaspemous" I am just abit confused.
booker T, it sounds like you are referring to Jeremiah 18. If so, then you may want to read the post I made 5-31-12 titled "Yahweh's False Promise About Judah." The issue isn't that Yahweh promised one thing but left open the possibility of reversing course, but that in the case of this passage, one prophet claimed that Judah could avert disaster by repenting, while other texts claim that the wickedness of King Manasseh sealed Judah's fate, even though the righteous King Josiah ruled when Jeremiah made his proclamation. Let me know what you think.